Hot Lips Turtlehead
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'
Hardiness zone: 3
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No
Light requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Water requirements: Mesic
Soil pH level: pH 5.5-7.0
Height: 120 cm
Spread: 75 cm
Colours: Pink
Bloom time: Summer to early fall
Drought tolerant: No
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes
Image by Jim, /the Photographer
CC BY 2.0
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'
Hardiness zone: 3
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No
Light requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Water requirements: Mesic
Soil pH level: pH 5.5-7.0
Height: 120 cm
Spread: 75 cm
Colours: Pink
Bloom time: Summer to early fall
Drought tolerant: No
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes
Image by Jim, /the Photographer
CC BY 2.0
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'
Hardiness zone: 3
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No
Light requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Water requirements: Mesic
Soil pH level: pH 5.5-7.0
Height: 120 cm
Spread: 75 cm
Colours: Pink
Bloom time: Summer to early fall
Drought tolerant: No
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes
Image by Jim, /the Photographer
CC BY 2.0