Royal Wedding Oriental Poppy


Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding'

Hardiness zone: 2
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No

Light requirements: Full sun
Water requirements: Dry, mesic

Height: 75 cm
Spread: 60 cm
Colours: White
Bloom time: Late spring to early summer

Drought tolerant: Yes
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes

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Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding'

Hardiness zone: 2
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No

Light requirements: Full sun
Water requirements: Dry, mesic

Height: 75 cm
Spread: 60 cm
Colours: White
Bloom time: Late spring to early summer

Drought tolerant: Yes
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes

Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding'

Hardiness zone: 2
Type: Flowering perennial
Native: No

Light requirements: Full sun
Water requirements: Dry, mesic

Height: 75 cm
Spread: 60 cm
Colours: White
Bloom time: Late spring to early summer

Drought tolerant: Yes
Deer resistant: Yes
Rabbit resistant: Yes

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